BLOOD - backflash 2002:

The first months of the new year not that much was going on at BLOOD`s home. We have 12 new songs ready for the next full BLOOD CD, but we still need a few more.

On the weekend february 16./17.2002 we moved to our new rehearsal room. It´s the same room, we were back in 1992/1993 during the "christbait"-time along with the classic band Deathcore. Hopefully we´ll get more inspired by writing new songs.

After the shitty show in Ludwigshafen (2.3.) we checked the sound at our room and tuned it to a brutalizing pulp... to have t more new songs very soon. Stay tuned...

Til early May 2002 we had a break, because Ventilator was away for a while. At our last rehearsing in April we´ve written one more new song. This is a full force in your face-song!!

In late may 2002 we got the offer for our 7th full CD from MORBID-records (again!). We have the studio date for November 8th 2002. Be shure we´ll do it!

Here are a few shots fom the new rehearsal room 3/2002:

In July 2002 we had the idea for the cover + Title of the next full BLOOD CD. It´ll be called DYSANGELIUM - what means the evil message that will be spoken through the new lyrics. The coverartwork will be shown here. Maybe some little details will be changed. Enjoy it!

August 2002: Our new songs get more and more structures. We have a brandnew selfplayed - intro and an outro that will blow you away... darkened in a new dimension !!

September 2002: we played our first show since over a half year in Rathenow along with Harmony Dies and Non Christian. Check out those shots before the show...

The rest of the year we rehearsed a lot for the studiodate in november/december 2002, where we recorded DYSANGELIUM, to be released in early 2003 on Morbid records....

here is the Studioreport from december 2002 

DYSANGELIUM is ready to be released in early 2003 on Morbid records.

Be sure, we´ll kick ass next year. Stay tuned in 2003!!